Raiser's Edge



  1. Open Microsoft Remote Desktop (or download from the Mac App Store)
  2. Click on the File menu > New
  3. Enter the following connection information:

    Connection name: FE VM 1
    PC name: fe-vm1
    Gateway: No gateway configured
    User name: <domain username>
    Password: <domain password>
  4. Close that window
  5. Double click on FE VM 1 in the list to launch the virtual machine
  6. When prompted to verify the certificate, click Continue
  7. Open Raiser's Edge
There are two other connections that can be used for Raiser's Edge. One is fe-vm2, and the other is fe-vm3. If one of them isn't available then please use another one as there are multiple people that use the connections.


  1. Open Remote Desktop Desktop Connection within Windows Accessories in the Start menu
  2. Enter the computer name and click Connect
  3. Enter your credentials to sign into the machine

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