Budget vs. Actual Report


Report notes

  • This report shows project activity for the full time period that the project has been active.
  • The current period and the year-to-date (ytd) information will always default to the current month you are in and the YTD total of the fiscal year. Those columns do not respond to the filter.
  • The cumulative budget is loaded in Jul 2020 so to make the budget appear, that month must be included in the filter dates.
To isolate a particular month or period of activity use the Project Activity Report

Generate report

  1. Click on the light blue "BLOS Budget vs. Actual" tile on the SRS dashboard
    You can also search for "BLOS Budget vs. Actual" in the top search bar
  2. Click the two upward-facing chevrons in the bottom right corner of the screen to expand the section
    If the chevrons are facing down, skip this step
  3. Click on the "program any of" dropdown and use CTRL + F to search for and select your project number
    You can select multiple projects by holding the CTRL key while clicking
  4. Select the desired time period (you can select single or multiple periods)
    Date range information
    The date range is the most important part for returning results.

    Because we don't reuse projects, you can leave the "from" date set to P1 2012 (the earliest period available). It does not matter if the project didn't exist at that time.

    The "to" date should be the time you want to see the project totals column to end.
    Typically you will want to return results from the previous month end

    Note that this is set for "Grant" budgets.
    If you want to see this for your fiscal budget:
    1. change the "budget category" to "fiscal"
    2. change "from" time period to July of the current year
  5. Click the blue "refresh" button at the bottom to run the report
    If you see "no data available", try running with a different time range

The report will open as an expanded version. You can use the collapse and expand buttons on the bottom right for easy viewing. Press the up arrow to collapse the report down to its highest level and then the down arrow twice to drill down to a summary level that will be easy to view. You can always drill down further if you want to expand the various levels.

To expand individual accounts, click the + button to the left of the accounts or click on the account numbers to "drill into" that account.

Report information

Report column


Financial Row

Chart of accounts is expandable by clicking the + to the left of the account

Award Budget

Shows budget if one exists

Current Period

Based on time filters


Based on fiscal YTD. Up to the present month, regardless of filter.

Project Total Amount

Total for time period selected

Amount under/over

Award budget less the project total amount.

Amount remaining in your grant award drawn by viewing the revenue (the business office generally draws revenue 10 business days after a month ends)

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Budget Workbook Instructions

Project Activity Report

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