Uninstall OpenVPN


Before uninstalling the OpenVPN client, DISCONNECT from the VPN. Not doing so will "break" your internet connection.


  1. Open the applications folder in Finder
    1. Click on your desktop
    2. Click on the Go menu
    3. Click on Applications
  2. Locate the OpenVPN Connect folder and open it by double clicking
  3. Double click the "Uninstall OpenVPN Connect" file
  4. When prompted, click Yes to Uninstall OpenVPN Connect
  5. Enter your computer's password if prompted
OpenVPN is now uninstalled

Windows 10

  1. Click on the start menu
  2. Click on the gear icon to open Settings
  3. Click on Apps
  4. Locate the OpenVPN Connect app
  5. Click Uninstall
  6. Click Uninstall again
  7. When prompted, click Yes
OpenVPN is now uninstalled

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Windows 10 - Restore from backup

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