Event Procedure


Please use the following instructions when creating events in order to communicate your needs to facilities, IT and other groups.

Create Event

  1. Create the event in your own calendar
  2. Invite events@bigelow.org as a guest and reserve meeting room space as needed
  3. Add facilities needs to the event description and invite facteam@bigelow.org (potential needs to consider are below)
  4. Add IT needs to the event description and invite it@bigelow.org (potential needs to consider are below)
  5. Contact reservations@bigelow.org for any residence hall needs (prices available in Resources drive)
  6. Notify the receptionist if your guests might need direction to the event

Example IT Needs
  • If the event is in the commons, do you need Zoom? Microphones?
  • Additional power strips

Example Facilities Needs
  • Table/chair needs (include number of guests)
  • Meeting room setup style (boardroom, hollow square, u-shape, auditorium, classroom, banquet)
  • Table needs for food display (tables come with linen, plan on using disposable tableware)
  • Coffee/tea or bar setup (include number of guests and preferred table location)
    • Coffee/tea includes: regular coffee, decaf coffee, hot water, tea bags, sugar, cream, cups, spoons/stirrers
    • Bar includes: metal tins with ice, cups, beverage napkins (you provide beverages)
  • Water cooler dispenser and cups
  • If you need main entrance doors unlocked beyond operating hours or residence hall doors propped open (include times)
  • Garbage/recycling cans


You are in charge of ordering and picking up food. Some suggested caterers are:

You are in charge of disposing of leftovers

Leave all dirty reusable dishes in wash bin provided under food tables if facilities provided them

If you need refrigeration space to store food or beverages in advance of an event, please contact facteam@bigelow.org to discuss

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