HPCC and Storage Proposal Information


HPCC & Storage

Bigelow Laboratory’s high performance computing cluster (HPCC) has a combined 640 CPU cores (1280 threads) and over 6TB of memory. A secondary cluster provides overflow capacity of 288 CPU cores and 4TB of memory. The HPCC provides Bigelow scientists with the resources they need to process and analyze large datasets. Bigelow Laboratory has over 800TB of enterprise-grade production storage. In addition to high redundancy at the system level, the storage cluster is backed up in two ways: hourly snapshots provide quick access to deleted, encrypted, or corrupt files and a complete off-site mirror provides full redundancy in the event of a physical disaster. The HPCC and storage system are located in Bigelow Laboratory’s dedicated data center that offers security, air conditioning, 24/7 temperature and humidity monitoring, waterless fire suppressant, and full power backup using UPS batteries and generators.

Additional storage information

Bigelow Laboratory has a robust, multi-tiered data backup and retention strategy in place. Local data is stored on a capable enterprise NetApp system that utilizes redundant power from uninterruptable power supplies with generator backup, dual high availability (HA) controllers, and redundant networking to ensure uptime. RAID DP allows for two disk failures per raid group without losing data, providing time to replace the disks. Hourly read-only snapshots provide the ability to rapidly recover from a ransomware attack or accidentally deleted files. A second system is co-located at an off-site data center for full redundancy in case of a physical disaster affecting the local system. Volumes are mirrored to the backup location daily.


Bigelow Laboratory has a 10Gbps internal network and is connected to the internet, Internet 2, and Maine Research and Education Network (MaineREN) at 1Gbps.

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