Business Office Orientation


Meet the Business Office / Finance Team at Bigelow:

David Whitt CFO/VP for Administration

Cindy Bailey Assistant Controller

John McKown Grants Manager

Jason Grundy Grants Manager

Abdul Roble Grants Manager

Val Reny Accounts Payable Coordinator

Chris Vooght Senior Accountant

Business office mission

The business office strives to enable successful lab operations by providing excellent customer service, federal grant compliance services, and efficient systems and processes. The business office staff are approachable, helpful, and goal-oriented. The administration collectively strives to use the best systems that are fully integrated to achieve the leanest processes that achieve optimal compliance at the lowest cost.


Overview: The business office uses Oracle NetSuite to conduct business operations at the lab. The system includes accounting, project reporting, e-commerce platform (algal webstore), and external invoicing to vendors. Depending on your level, you will be given access and be granted at least one of the following roles in the system:

  • Employee Center: Designed for entering and approving purchase orders and expense reports (see purchase orders and expense reports wiki to learn more). This role cannot "receive" on purchase orders nor view program/project reports.
  • SRS Role: Designed for SRS use but may be used by other non-SRS department heads. The role has been configured to optimize access to frequently used reports to better manage projects, to approve POs or expense reports, and to monitor your encumbrances for your projects. This role is restricted based on department.
  • Program Manager: Designed to be used by non-SRS business users that manage external invoicing, product management, and collections of payments at the lab.
  • E-Commerce Role: Designed specifically for NCMA use.
  • Advancement Manager: Designed to be used by Advancement.

New Members: Access to the Chart of Accounts and Cost Centers (Projects) that you can charge to are available through Oracle NetSuite. Please contact the business office for new user set-up and a one-hour orientation session during your first week. Training will normally be conducted by either David Whitt or Cindy Bailey depending on availability. Additional training may be set-up depending on your role after that first session.

Credit Card Requests: For SRSs or staff members approved by an SRS to have a lab credit card, please contact David Whitt to order one.

Tax Exempt Purchasing: As a 501c3, Lab Purchasing is generally tax exempt with the exception of travel purchases. Note that seeking reimbursement on your credit card for lab purchases that are non-travel will not have taxes reimbursed if they are charged. Our most recent documents pertaining to our 501c3 and financials are posted and available on our website.

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