Migrating data from Storage to Google Drive

* Please contact IT for assistance with migrating large amounts of data

Creating a new Google Shared Drive

  1. Log into gmail
  2. Select the Google apps menu in the top right corner and choose Drive
  1. Navigate to Shared drives and select New
  1. Enter the name of the shared drive and click Create

Migrating from Storage to Google Drive

  1. Connect to the Bigelow Storage drive (see instructions here)
  2. Open the Google Shared Drive or folder that the data is being migrated to
  3. Right click anywhere within the Shared Drive or folder and select Upload Files or Upload Folder
  4. Locate the files or folders on Storage that need to be migrated and select Open (The files/folders will begin uploading to Google Drive)

* Files and folders can also be dragged and dropped into Google Drive

  1. Delete the migrated files/folders on Storage once the upload has completed

Sharing Drives, Folders, and Files

Add members to a shared drive
  1. Click on the Shared Drive and select Manage Members
  2. Type in the email address of each member
  3. Define their privilege to the right of their name
  4. Select Done

Share folders with members
  1. Click on the file/folder and select Share
  1. Type in the email address of each member
  2. Define their privilege to the right of their name
  3. Select Done

Share files with members
  1. Right click on the file and select Share
  1. Type in the email address of each member
  2. Define their privilege to the right of their name
  3. Select Done

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