Internal Invoice (create)


  1. Log into NetSuite (
  2. Enter your email address and password
  3. Navigate to Transactions > Sales and click on "Create Invoice"
  4. Start typing the Constituent name to search and select from the list of "BLOS Internal Billing" options, and once a Constituent is selected, you should receive this message from NetSuite - click 'Ok'.
  5. Confirm Account code is correct (should be GL account 11012) and that the 'Internal Billing Constituent' box is checked.
  6. If relevant, select PDF Branding logo
  1. Enter information you would like to have appear on the final invoice into the Notes field
  2. Enter Item, Description, Amount (and also Quantity and Rate if applicable/relevant/useful) and Segment Code. Then click Add for another line if another is desired and/or when all items have been entered so that the final total appears.
    After Segment Code has been entered and the rest of the fields populate, click on the Department field and CLEAR THAT ENTRY. This must be done in the 'Classification' section AND the 'Items' section. This step enables that the Department being billed can see the invoice.
  3. Note: when selecting an item, be sure to select from the 'In-House' options to ensure proper GL coding
  4. Click Save and observe confirmation that the 1) transaction was successfully saved and 2) INV# was assigned
  5. Once saved, the 'Send Reminder Email' button should appear- use this button to send the internal invoice to the 'Constituent'
  6. The 'Send Reminder Email' will generate an automated message to your 'Constituent' that will include instructions and a link directly to the applicable invoice record in NetSuite:

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External Invoice (create)

Internal Invoice (receive)

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