Table of Contents

Artificial Intelligence


AI Tools in Meetings

  • Only approved AI tools that record or transcribe meetings (and produce content based on those recordings) should be used during Bigelow-hosted meetings.
  • If an AI meeting assistent is used during a Bigelow-hosted meeting, all participants, including those attending in a meeting room, need to be informed and consent to its use.
Approved AI Meeting Assistants

Contact helpdesk to inquire about tools not listed below



Data Retention

Train on User Data

Zoom AI Companion


30 days data;


Jamie AI




Not Allowed

Depends on Plan


Using Zoom AI Companion

Zoom AI Companion is installed on all Bigelow Zoom Rooms and Pro accounts 1-4.

You must be host to use Zoom AI Companion.

  1. Join the meeting
  2. Claim host (click participants > claim host > enter 6 digit host key)
  3. Click on the AI Companion button in the bottom bar
  4. Click the "Start AI Companion" button
  5. Participants will see a message that "Zoom AI Companion Has Been Turned On"

To turn off AI Companion, follow the same steps but click the "Stop AI Companion" button

Data Retention
  • Meeting content used to generate AI meeting summaries can be retained by Zoom and third parties for up to 30 days
  • Meeting summaries generated by Zoom AI Companion are retained for 5 days
  • Meeting recordings are auto-deleted after 60 days
  • Meeting chat transcripts are auto-deleted after 60 days

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