Using Outlook with Gmail

The following instructions are assuming that you have two-factor authentication enabled on the account
  1. Sign into the Gmail account you wan to use with Outlook.
  2. Click on your account in the upper right hand corner (see screenshot below)
  3. Click "Google Account"
  4. Click "Sign -in & Security"
  5. Click "App Passwords"
  6. Enter the password for the account
  7. Click the drop down under "Select App" and select "Other (Custom name)
  8. Type in "Outlook" and click "Generate" (DO NOT CLOSE THIS WINDOW)

In Outlook

  1. Click "Tools" > "Accounts" > "Add email account"
  2. Enter the email address and click "Continue"
  3. Select "Gmail" as the provider if prompted
  4. Enter the app password that you generated for the account and click "Add account"
  5. Click "Done"

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