Resource Drive Conventions


The resources Google Shared Drive ( is a place to store forms, policies, and other documents that should be available to all staff.

In order to keep the drive organized and information easy to find, please follow these conventions:

Folder structure

Please limit the folder hierarchy to a maximum depth of four whenever possible. E.g. Resources > HR > Information > Appraisals

Naming conventions

  • Make file names as short and easy to read as possible
  • Use spaces instead of underscores, dashes, slashes, periods, or other punctuation
  • Do not use puncuation, with the exception of occasional parenthesis for dates when absolutely necessary
  • Use title case (capitalize each word except for short prepositions)
  • Make file names intuitive for searching / sorting (“form for appraisal” > “Appraisal Form”)
  • Do not append a date, year, number, “copy”, or “final” to the end of a file name
  • Do not preface with “Bigelow”, “BLOS”, department, or facility names
  • Do not repeat folder / department names in subfolder / file names (“Seminar Recordings” > “Recordings”)



Housing Application

Bigelow Housing application form

Rental Rates

Rental Rates_2020

Cost Schedules

3-9) Part II - Excel File-Cost Schedules (Ver1)-BIGELOW (5).xlsx

Seminar Flyers

Bits and Bites Seminar flyers

Education Strategic Plan (2014-2018)


Other guidelines

  • Only publish the most recent version of each file (Google will keep track of old versions. You can access by right clicking on the file and selecting Manage Versions)

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