Schedule a Zoom Meeting


Schedule a Zoom Room or Zoom Pro meeting

  1. Create a new event in your Google Calendar
  2. Click on the 'Add Rooms' link
  3. Click 'Browse all rooms & resources'
  4. Select the 'Meeting Rooms' (for Bigelow Labs meeting room Zoom accounts) or 'Virtual' (for Zoom Pro accounts) dropdowns
  5. Click on an available resource - busy resources won't be available to select
  6. Copy the invite from and paste it in the description of the meeting

Use a Zoom Room scheduling display

Scheduling displays are small screens located outside of conference rooms. You can view room availability and reserve times for the current day only.

  1. Click "Reserve" (bottom right) on the scheduling display
  2. Use the blue circles to select a start and end time
  3. Click on "New Meeting" and name your meeting
  4. Add participants if needed (calendar invitations will be automatically sent)
  5. Click Reserve

View Zoom Room or Zoom Pro calendars

  1. Open Google Calendar
  2. Click the + button next to "Other calendars"
  3. Click "Browse resources"
  4. Select the Zoom Room from the Room section or Pro account from the Zoom section
  5. Click the back arrow in the top-left corner of the window
  6. You should now see the resource calendars in your My Calendar view

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Join Teams or WebEx meeting from a Zoom Room

Screen Share (Dummy HDMI)

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