2023 - Zoom Updates



We have added a step to the Zoom Room scheduling procedure. In addition to adding the Zoom Room calendar resource, please invite the room by email address (boardroom@bigelow.orgclassroom@bigelow.orggreenroom@bigelow.org, and alfondroom@bigelow.org). This change does not apply to the shared "Pro Accounts". This will enable us to use scheduling displays, which we will start to roll out shortly. Full instructions are here: support.bigelow.org/schedule

Going forward, we will be treating the Green Room (small meeting room on the second floor above the main entrance) as a Zoom Room for scheduling purposes. We do not plan on adding Zoom Room hardware to the room at this time, but if that is something that would be helpful to you, please let us know.

Alfond Room TVs

There are currently two TVs in the Alfond Room in addition to the projector. If you plan to host a meeting in the Alfond room, please review the support article (support.bigelow.org/alfond) prior to the event. We recognize that the current configuration is a bit confusing/clunky. We are planning to replace the projector and one TV with a larger display, so the 2 TV + projector solution is temporary.

Zoom Room Instructions

There are new instructions for using Zoom Rooms at support.bigelow.org/zoomroom. As Zoom continues to add useful features, we will keep this article up to date. Please review if you plan on using Bigelow's Zoom Rooms.

Waiting Room

When using the Zoom Rooms and Pro accounts, anyone not logged into Zoom with their @bigelow.org email address will be put into the waiting Room. To bypass the waiting room, please make sure that you are logged in. People with Colby and UMaine Zoom accounts will also bypass the waiting room. Once in the waiting room, you will need to be let in by someone in the physical Zoom Room (from the iPad controller) or someone already on the Pro meeting.

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2024 May - VPN SSO

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