Table of Contents



Welcome to Bigelow!

You should have received the following from IT:

  • username (first initial + last name)
  • email address (
  • phone extension

If not, ask your supervisor to contact IT about creating your accounts, or submit a ticket at

Things to do week one

  1. Schedule an IT orientation
  2. Set up 2-Step Verification for your Bigelow Google account
  3. Change your domain password (you will need to be connected to the VPN first, see below)
  4. Sign the Acceptable Use Policy (provided by IT)
  5. Complete your security training (see email)
  6. Configure your email signature


Have you tried turning it off and on again? There are two main resources for getting technology-related help at Bigelow.

  1. Support documentation. Great news - you're already here. Use the search bar at the top of the screen to find exactly what you are looking for. Or peruse the articles from the home page.
  2. Helpdesk. If you don't find what you're looking for on this website, go to to open a support ticket. We will do our best to help you in a timely manner.


You can access your Bigelow email at Enter your full email address, including Once you log in, please set up 2-step verification*.

*This will be required a week after your start date and if you have not set it up by then, your account will be temporarily inaccessible.


There are two large print/scan/copy machines in the:

  • Top of main staircase (wing D)
  • Cafe closet

There are seven smaller devices. One is located at the end of each floor of each wing. There is also one in the Alfond Room at the Graham Shimmield Residence Hall.

There is information about installing the printers on your computer and using them here.


Bigelow maintains over 800TBs of on-site storage. More information about connecting to storage is here.


Bigelow's VPN allows you to connect to on-site resources, such as the high-performance computer and storage from off-site. There are instructions for installing and connecting to the VPN here.


Bigelow uses Google Calendar to show events happening within the organization. Follow these steps to subscribe to the events calendar.

  1. Open Google Calendar.
  2. Click the plus sign next to Other calendars.
  3. Select Subscribe to calendar.
  4. Type Events into the search field and click enter. The Bigelow Events calendar will be added to My Calendars.
  5. Click the back arrow to return to the calendar.
  6. Select the checkbox next to Bigelow Events under My Calendars to view events.


Bigelow has an Amazon Business account. You can set up your account using the Amazon support article. Aside from these instructions, please do not create an Amazon account using your Bigelow email address.

Still need help? Submit a ticket.

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