Timesheet Approval (supervisors)


Important note on Approvals :

Supervisors may get email notifications when employees are completing timesheets. These email notifications cannot be disabled without disabling other email notifications. Supervisors may approve time as often as they like, but the employees will be unable to edit the time after it is approved. Only an administrator will be able to "edit" the time entries at that point. As a best practice, supervisors should wait until the end of a pay period before approving time. Typically, Bigelow HR will send an email notification prompting employees and supervisors to enter/approve time at the end of a pay period.

  • From Employee Center Role (recommended role for time entry/approval):

If Applicable: Switch role to employee Center by toggling access on the top right of your profile (if you maintain both full access and employee center roles)

  1. Click Approve Time from the menu path on the left column of the page:
  1. Click on employee timesheet for review by clicking the employee name: you can click the "Switch to timesheet entry view" to see entries by day with payroll item information and the constituent/project selected (2nd caption below). For approval purposes, supervisors will check to ensure to ensure they are using the correct payroll item and constituent project. When complete, click the "Mark all" button and then click the bright blue "Approve" button to send to HR for payment.
    Note: If there are issues, do not approve. Contact the employee and have them fix their time entry or alert HR to the issue so it can be corrected by a system administrator.

From the SRS Role (and similar full-access roles):

  1. Go to Transactions>Employees>Approve Time
  1. Click - "Switch to Time Entry View"
  1. Check that the employee has coded time appropriately to projects and used appropriate payroll item codes. When complete, click the "Mark all" button and then the bright "Approve" button to send to HR for pay processing. If there are issues, do not approve. Contact the employee and have them fix their time entry or alert HR to the issue so it can be corrected by a system administrator.

  • All Other Roles that don't use the classic view : Find the "Payroll and HR" tab on the top ribbon and navigate with Time Tracking > Approve Time

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