Microsoft Office Runtime Error Fix


There are incompatibilities between Office for Mac and Adobe Acrobat for Mac. Because of this, you may get the following error:

Disable the Adobe PDFMaker plugin in the Office applications by performing the following steps:

  1. Quit all open Office applications. If Word or PowerPoint are frozen and won't let you access the Tools menu, use Force Quit from the Apple menu to quit the applications.
  2. In Finder:
    • Click Go menu.
    • Select Go to Folder... .
    • Enter /Library/Application Support/Microsoft/Office365/User Content.localized/
    • Click Go.
  3. In the Excel folder, delete 
  4. In the Word folder, delete 
  5. In the PowerPoint folder, delete 
  6. Re-open the Office applications and confirm the issue is resolved.

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Microsoft Office

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