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- Upload New Bin Numbers
Upload New Bin Numbers
Step 1: Generate bin numbers
The following powershell script will generate bin numbers in the format T1/L1/QA/B1/C1. The main part of the script consists of five nested foreach loops that correspond to the bin levels (first loop is tank, second is lot, third is quad, etc.)
You can edit this script to add tanks, lots, etc. For example, to only print bins for a new tank #6, change the first foreach line to foreach ($tank in 6) {
"Writing bin sequence to file"
foreach ($tank in 1,2,3,4,5) {
foreach ($level in 1,2) {
foreach ($quad in "A","B","C","D") {
foreach ($box in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14) {
foreach ($cane in 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16) {
"T$tank-L$level-Q$quad-B$box-C$cane" | Out-File -Append -FilePath .\bin_sequence.txt
E.g. F10-S3-L4-C4-P9
To run the script:
- Open a File Explorer window
- Navigate to the folder where you want the output file to be
- In the address bar, type "powershell" and click "enter"
- Copy and paste the code above (with any modifications) to the powershell window and click enter
- You should see a blinking cursor under "Writing bin sequence to file". Wait until it says "Done." Now your file is ready. Look in the open file explorer window for a file named bin_sequence.txt that contains the new sequence.
Step 2: Copy bin numbers into template file
- Download the bin template file
- Open the file in ExcelOnly the first three columns (externalid, binnumber, and location) are required. The externalid and binnumbers should be the same (i.e. A3 and B3 should be the same bin number; see example rows).
- Copy and paste the bin numbers from bin_sequence.txt (from step 1) into columns A and B.
Step 3: Upload file to NetSuite
- Log into NetSuite
- Navigate to Setup > Import / Export > Saved CSV Imports
- Click on 118 - BLOS - Bulk Bin Addition
- Under the CSV Files section, click Select. Upload the bin template CSV file
- Click Next
- Click Next on the Import Options screen
- Click Next on the File Mapping screen
- Click Next on the Field Mapping screen
- Click on the arrow next to "Save As & Run" and select "Run"
- You can view the status of your import by navigating to Setup > Import / Export > View CSV Import Status