Policies & Procedures

Advancement Entry of Donations and Pledges

Updated 2 years ago

Summary of purpose: The following wiki is meant to guide the effort on entering cash donations and pledges, managing transactions, and getting data back out of the system. Cash donations are generall…

Corporate Traveler / Melon

Updated 2 years ago

Corporate Travel Resources: As an employee of Bigelow, you have access to a professional corporate travel site that allows you to book travel online or use our dedicated travel agent. The basic advan…

Gas and Cryo-Supply Ordering Process and Form Link

Updated 3 years ago

As of 8.3.2021: MaineOxy has been selected as our preferred vendor and is offering best value and pricing to Bigelow for gas and cryo item (dry ice, LN2, LAr) purchasing. They made a number of conces…

Purchasing Flowchart - for staff reference

Updated 3 years ago

Purchasing Policy

Updated 9 months ago

Purchasing policy, thresholds, and procedures for travel and reimbursement.

Vendors Exempt from Purchase Orders

Updated 1 year ago

Types of purchases that do not always require a PO, including a list of exempt vendors

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