

Test your internet speed: https://librespeed.org

Test your VPN speed: https://speedtest.bigelow.org

Test your VPN speed

  1. Connect to the VPN
  2. Go to speedtest.bigelow.org
  3. Click Start

Understanding the results

Your internet speed and VPN speed should be similar but not identical. The VPN might be slightly slower than the general internet, but not by much. For example:

Internet: 118 Mbps download & 6.3 Mbps upload
VPN: 78 Mbps download & 5.8 upload

Download measures how fast files will download from the internet or VPN (depending on which test you used).

Upload measures how fast files will upload to the internet or VPN (depending on which test you used).

Ping is how long it takes your computer to send information to the speedtest server and receive it back (i.e.g latency).

Jitter is the variability of the ping speed.

Mbps [unit] Megabits per second. Muliply by 8 to convert to Megabytes per second (MBps)

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