HR & Payroll

Paid Time Off

Updated 1 year ago

Request paid time off through NetSuite

Payroll Overview & FAQ

Updated 2 years ago

An overview of the NetSuite payroll process (submitting and approving weekly timesheets), including an FAQ

Personnel Offboarding

Updated 2 years ago

With the same care and design shown to our employees upon hire, we have developed an offboarding process in order to ensure a smooth transition out of the workplace.strength lies in the expertise and…

Personnel Onboarding

Updated 2 years ago

Our strength lies in the expertise and dedication of our employees. We have developed an onboarding process in order to help new Bigelowians transition into the workplace and ensure they have a clear…

Timesheet Approval (supervisors)

Updated 2 years ago

Supervisor approval of weekly timesheets in NetSuite (starting March 15th)


Updated 2 years ago

Enter and submit your weekly timesheets in NetSuite (starting March 15th)

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