Resource Map


Work Resources

Note: Some links below take you to the Google Drive directory where a particular file is located (not directly to the file itself).

  • Guidelines for onboarding of new staff, visiting scientists and interns.
  • The Resources Shared Google Drive contains organization policies, procedures, forms, All Staff meeting notes, etc.
  • The Safety Folder on the Resources Shared Google Drive contains all of Bigelow's safety program information, including our Hazard Communication documentation, chemical inventory, and policies related to autoclaves, Institutional Biosafety Committee, and radiation safety.
  • The Bigelow Support site contains step-by-step guides and information technology resources (e.g. email, calendar, VPN, printers, software, email groups), purchasing procedures, time sheets, Zoom invitations, links to forms (e.g. helpdesk, fixit), etc.
  • The Employee Handbook contains information about working conditions, employee benefits, code of conduct, and policies and procedures affecting employees. 
  • The Education section of the Google Drive contains information and resources about education programs and working with students.
  • The Bigelow Slack Workspace has various different channels for conversations and communication spanning a range of work related (e.g. antiracism group, coding help) and non work related topics (e.g. connect with other parents or those with similar hobbies/interests).
  • All Bigelow employees undergo an introductory appraisal process (after 3-4 months of employment) and annually afterwards, to review performance, communicate expectations for the coming year, and make development or promotion requests.
  • Mentoring plans and guidance for Postdoctoral Research Scientists.
  • There are regular “all hands” meetings for all staff where new staff are introduced and matters of general concern are discussed. Every meeting has an “open business” section when any staff member can raise a topic for discussion. Agendas, notes, and handouts from these meetings are available here. In addition, topics can be raised anonymously using the “suggestion box” on the Bigelow Support site.   
  • There are many committees that participate in governance of the institution. One of these committees, the Senior Research Scientist (SRS) Committee, meets monthly to discuss institutional matters and vote on recommendations from other committees. A non-SRS/non-director staff member attends the meeting as a “staff representative” to relay issues raised from staff and to serve as a liaison to staff that do not attend the meetings. The Staff Representative hosts a “recap” meeting once a month to share information, information from these meetings are archived here.  

Community Support and Resources

  • Welcome Booklet contains information about navigating a move to Bigelow. It was written with a focus on providing assistance to international postdocs, but it contains useful information for everyone (e.g. travel to Bigelow, housing, information on local towns, resources for underrepresented minorities, etc).
  • Student Handbook was developed for undergraduate participants in the Sea Change semester program and contains regional information and resources for e.g. health care.

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