
Charlie Overview

Updated 8 months ago

Overview of Charlie, Bigelow's high performance computing cluster

Connect to Charlie

Updated 2 years ago

Log onto Charlie from Windows or macOS

Edit with VS Code

Updated 2 years ago

Connect to Charlie from VS Code to edit files

Getting Started

Updated 8 months ago

This is intended to be a primer for Charlie, assuming little to no Linux experience. If you do have experience with Linux systems, you can skip the first section "Linux Basics" Connecting to Charlie.…

Monitor jobs

Updated 2 years ago

Use qstat, qtop, qwatch, and other tools to monitor jobs and overall cluster use.

Software modules

Updated 2 years ago

Software modules allow users to load and unload specific versions of a program (e.g. gcc, spades, openmpi, etc.). The module commands (below) essentially just prepend a directory to your PATH variabl…

Transfer files

Updated 2 years ago

Transfer files to and from Charlie

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