Bigelow Truck Reservation / Policy on use of the Gator


The Bigelow truck may be used to support research or educational programming. It must be driven by a driver named on the Bigelow insurance policy. Contact David Whitt if there is a strong reason for a particular driver to be added to our insurance.

It is Bigelow's policy to honor truck reservations made at least 48 hours before the reservation date. The driver will be responsible for filling up the truck with gas before the truck returns to Bigelow if its used outside the local area. The charge will be $50 for use of the truck per day. The charge will be $100 per day for trips in excess of 120 miles. The charges are meant to offset some of the truck depreciation expenses.

Please fill out the form at the bottom of the page to reserve the Bigelow pickup truck.

The calendar below indicates availability.

John Deere Gator:

Bigelow provides a John Deere Gator which can be utilized for on campus transportation of materials. Any active employee on payroll is authorized to drive the Gator.

Policy on use: Please coordinate with the Director of Facilities for use of the Gator.

Note that non-employees, include participants/interns (those funded through participant support) are strictly prohibited from operating the Gator because they are not covered under Bigelow's general liability or medical policies. Purchasing stand-alone coverage in this area is not feasible. We have explored any and all options.

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